Tuesday, May 19, 2009

T-Minus 2 days

On Thursday, May 21, I'm flying from Los Angeles to Kampala, Uganda to work as a clerk in the federal courts.
To prepare, I've received several shots and vaccinations, secured lots of sunscreen, and located Uganda on a map. (It straddles the equator in east Africa, bordering Kenya, Tanzania, and more newsworthy countries like Rwanda, the Dem
ocratic Republic of Congo, and Sudan. By the way, that's clockwise, starting in the West. There's a map for reference. You're welcome.)
Over the next 2+ months, I'll be documenting my experiences here. I hope you enjoy reading about them as much as I hope to enjoy experiencing them.

1 comment:

  1. Jeanne McKnight here, sitting by Linda's pool drinking white wine and enjoying your Uganda blog. Your voice is similar to that of Alexander McCall Smith. Keep writing and I'll keep reading! Wonderful descriptions-I did "LOL" when I read parts of this!
